Hi! I’m Neemesh.
I graduated from IIIT Delhi with a B.Tech degree in 2024, where I also worked as a UG Researcher at the LCS2 lab. I was a Research Intern at MBZUAI, working with Prof. Preslav Nakov for their very first Undergraduate Research Intern Program (UGRIP) in the Summer of 2023. My recent collaborations include work in uncertainty estimation + debiasing1.

My research interests broadly lie between Computational Social Science and Interpretability. More specifically, I am interested in exploring how or if LLMs are capable of reasoning and the dynamics of societal biases within them – from a causal lens; improving their social intelligence and trying to understand how they behave the way they do. I am devoted to building transparent, explainable, fair, and truthful AI.

In addition to this, my favorite pastime involves playing video games and watching anime or random YouTube videos.

I am currently looking for research opportunities (both PhD and collaborations)!


  • August 2024: Presented my undergraduate thesis work2 accepted as Findings at ACL 2024, in Bangkok, Thailand! (my first in-person conference!)
  • February 2024: Attended Google Research Week 2024 in Bangalore, India!
  • May 2023: Started my undergraduate research internship at MBZUAI
  • December 2022: Volunteered for ICON 2022.
  • May 2022: Started my journey as an undergraduate researcher at LCS2!